C : Coloring, Comics & Cleaning

Coloring, Comics & Cleaning

I used to be quite the little artist growing up. I wasn’t amazing, I just drew all the time. My dad was not an artist but he appreciated art and encouraged me. Well, he wouldn’t call himself an artist but he knew how to decorate, out to put together an outfit and whenever he did draw, he had a very specific style. I used to create something every day and I was very happy during that time. And whenever I had time to create, it always put me in a good mood.

The same with comics, my dad didn’t introduce me to comics but he did introduce me to Superman. The Adventures of Superman to be exact. It used to be one of his favorite TV shows as a little boy. Of course I was a huge Batman fan, thanks to Tim Burton at that point but my dad furthered my DC education with the introduction of Superman. And from there, once I got into the actual comic books, I introduced him to Lex Luthor and beyond. Again, my dad wasn’t a comic book fan, but he understood that they were important to me. And took the time to enjoy the comics, cartoons and movies along with me. (Before he passed, he was a Thor fan.)

Around the time I used to create every day, was around the same time I was deep into my super hero phase. I found so much enjoyment watching Justice League/Unlimited. I went on to read a lot and I miss visiting my local comic book shop and picking up a comic.

Another thing you can do to help clear out the cobb webs of your mind is to literally clear out the cobb webs of your home. I’m extremely guilty of letting this go. I’ve never been as “clean” as my mom. We could eat off the floors when I was young, that’s how spotless our house was. But I knew my way around a vacuum and bottle of windex. At least once a year my dad would spend his only day off from work and the three of us would do some deep cleaning. The three of us would retreat to different areas of the house and just clean. Joining back up around meal times to discuss our progress. And we would all feel a lot better by bedtime.

Since my dad’s passing, clutter has been my friend. Being surrounded by memories soothed me. When I was younger my room was cluttered but I knew where everything was, it may have looked messy but it was an organized mess. Right now, my room is a just a mess. Granted I have a toddler but I’ve allowed myself to become complacent with the clutter. But I’m finally ready to throw open the windows and let the fresh air into my life.

Today I’d like to take a few minutes to myself to create something new and in honor of my dad read a superman comic. And when I say create, I mean anything, I consider us all artists, to the stick figures to the Van Goghs. And I include those adult coloring books, I bought one for my Aunt one year and she said it did help her relieve stress from the office.

So, hopefully, I’ll have some time to be creative today
and I hope you find the time as well.

Thank you for reading.



T : Talia al Ghul “Father has only truly respected one other man. The detective. The one known as the Batman.”

Day 24

Talia al Ghul

Daughter of supervillain Ra’s al Ghul
(His most famous of offspring).
Talia has been featured as both,
anti-hero and supervillain
in her own right.

Talia made her comic book debut in Detective Comics #411 (“Into the Den of the Death-Dealers!”) in May 1971. She was created by Denny O’Neil, Bob Brown and Dick Giordano. Funny enough, her father made his comic book debut in the June 1971 issue of Batman #232.

In the 1992 Graphic Novel, Birth of the Demon, Talia’s mother was revealed. Ra’s met a part-Chinese, part-Arab woman at Woodstock. The two fell in love and had Talia. Unfortunately, she later died from a drug overdose and Ra’s felt she was unworthy of revival in the Lazarus Pits. (This origin isn’t always followed since Talia has never really been portrayed as having Arab or Chinese descent.

Talia has occasionally been Batman’s love interest, which resulted in their child, Damian Wayne. (though personally, Catwoman is Batman’s true romantic interest!)

Like Batman, Talia has no superpowers, but she is a skilled assassin, successful businesswoman due to her high intellect and is excellent in hand to hand combat. And like her father she has the ability to extend her lifespan through the use of the Lazarus Pits.

Talia appeared in four episodes of Batman: The Animated Series. She makes a tragic reappearance in the third season of Batman Beyond, episode five, Out of the Past. A surprisingly young Talia visits the elderly Bruce Wayne offering him a dip in the Lazarus Pits. Later, it’s revealed that Talia had sacrificed her life for her father. It was Ra’s who has been occupying Talia’s body and he wanted to trick Bruce into giving up his body.

 The Dark Knight Rises

Thanks to Christopher Nolan creating characters for his Batman trilogy, like Rachel Dawes and John Blake–the big reveal of Marion Cotillard’s character being Talia al Ghul was a success. At least for me, I remember being angry while watching the film and Bane was revealed to be Ra’s al Ghul’s son. I was so frustrated, thinking to myself, “What are they doing!? Ra’s had a daughter not a son!” I was too wrapped up in the movie to see the twist right in front of my face!

Though there was a hint at her true identity during the charity ball scene. Miranda Tate says, “you must invest if you wish to restore balance to the world.”
In Batman Begins, Ra’s al Ghul says, “Only a cynical man would call what these people have ‘lives,’ Wayne. Crime, despair… this is not how man was supposed to live. The League of Shadows has been a check against human corruption for thousands of years. We sacked Rome, loaded trade ships with plague rats, burned London to the ground. Every time a civilization reaches the pinnacle of its decadence, we return to restore the balance.”

Another clue is that both Miranda and Bane have the same triangle scar. Bane has it on the side of his head and Miranda has it on her back. Hinting at her membership in the League of Shadows.

Thank you for Reading!

See you tomorrow!

L : Lex Luthor “Lex Luthor! The greatest criminal mind of our time!”

Day 14

Lex Luthor

Superman’s arch nemesis.
While Superman is known as the man of steel and an all around Boy Scout.
Lex Luthor relies on his brains over brawn and is pretty much the farthest thing from a Boy Scout you can get.

One of my favorite things about comics are the villains.
Especially Villains like, the Joker and Lex Luthor.
Two villains that couldn’t be more opposite than their arch-enemies.

Luthor made his comic book debut in the April 1940 issue of Action Comics #23.
(Two years after Superman’s debut.)
In this issue he was only known as Luthor and it was implied that he died in the end. Which was common in the early issues where he appeared.
He reappears in Superman #4. In these appearances he has a full head of red hair.
Making him blad was a mistake credited to studio artist Leo Nowak, a reason for the mistake has been discussed but never answered.

In 1944, he was the first Comic Book character to use an Atomic Bomb. This story was delayed publication until 1946 after the United States Department of War (now known as the United States Department of Defense) got involved.

Luthor wasn’t seen in comics until the September 1957 issue of Superboy #59. He was mostly seen as a Mad-Scientist or Rouge Scientist. For example, in a 1960s Origin issue, Luthor lived in Smallville and befriended Superboy. Luthor saved him from Kryptonite and in return Superboy built him a laboratory. And as a thank you, Luthor decides to create a Kryptonite antidote but a fire erupts. Superboy uses his freezing breath which blows over chemicals, ruining some experiments and leaving Luthor bald.
They’ve been enemies ever since.

It wasn’t until 1986, that we got the Lex Luthor we know today.
John Byrne redesigned Luthor as a Villain people could recognize for the ’80s. He became an evil corporate executive. First overweight but he became thinner and sleeker. Instead of losing his hair in an accident, he’s seen naturally losing it overtime in the comics.

Marv Wolfman originally suggested the idea to John Byrne.
According to Wolfman, “I never believed the original Luthor. Every story would begin with him breaking out of prison, finding some giant robot in an old lab he hid somewhere, and then he’d be defeated. My view was if he could afford all those labs and giant robots he wouldn’t need to rob banks. I also thought later that Luthor should not have super powers. Every other villain had super powers. Luthor’s power was his mind. He needed to be smarter than Superman. Superman’s powers had to be useless against him because they couldn’t physically fight each other and Superman was simply not as smart as Luthor.”

Some Fun Facts:

Luthor doesn’t consider himself evil. He does things for the greater good of the world, even if many people don’t think his idea of good is actually “Good” for the world. Hence his personal mantra, “the ends always justify the means.” There was no better example of this than when in 2000 he ran and successfully became President of the United States.

Luthor’s company LexCorp, is one of Wayne Enterprises biggest competitors. And due to Bruce Wayne refusing to accept military contracts, LexCorp is worth much more. Though some dispute this, claiming that Bruce Wayne is personally worth more than Luthor.

Movie Trivia

Actor Gene Hackman, sounded like quite the handful while filming the 1978, Superman.
He first refused to shave off his mustache, which was cleverly solved when Director, Richard Donner promised to shave off his as well. (He didn’t have a mustache, he wore a fake one to fool Hackman.) Then Hackman refused to shave his head and wear a bald cap. Hair and Makeup fixed this by styling Hackman’s hair in different styles in order to give the illusion that he was wearing different hairpieces. There is only one scene in the film where he wears a skull-cap.

Dustin Hoffman and Paul Newman both turned the role down, while Hackman was reluctant to accept considering it might hurt his image as a serious actor.

According to IMdb, in Superman II, “The scene when Lex Luthor escapes from the prison yard is inspired by true events. 3 IRA Prisoners escaped from Mountjoy prison when a helicopter lifted them out of the yard.”

At the end of Superman IV, Superman drops Lex Luthor off in Prison, when leaving he states, “See you in 20”. Coincidentally, the next time Superman and Lex Luthor appear in a Movie together was 19 years later in the 2006 film Superman Returns. (Which picks up where Superman II left off.)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Is the 5th theatrical portrayal of Lex Luthor.
(4th time as Main Protagonist) This is the most of any Supervillain in any Superhero Franchise.
Second is William Stryker from X-Men with 5 appearances, twice as the main villain.
Third is the Joker, with 3 appearances, 2 as the main villain.

TV Trivia

Lex Luthor never made an appearance on the original 1952 series, Adventures of Superman. Makes sense since he wasn’t as distinct back then.

Actor Clancy Brown auditioned for the role of Superman/Clark Kent for Superman (the Animated Series). But after hearing his audition, Bruce Timm offered him the part of Lex Luthor instead.

Much like Harley Quinn being invented for Batman: the Animated Series. A character was invented for Superman. She’s not nearly as popular nor as spectacular as Harley but she is in the same vein. Lex Luthor needed a henchwoman and thus Mercy Graves was born.

In the animated series Justice League, the voice of the Flash, Michael Rosenbaum, played Lex Luthor in the 2001 show, Smallville.

I think I’ve kept you here long enough.
Hope you enjoyed learning a little more about Lex Luthor!

Thank you for Reading!

See you tomorrow!



Drawlloween Day 11 : Swamp Thing

Slimy Swamps, Foggy Bogs


I don’t know much about Swamp Thing other than the beautiful picture of him, Abby and their baby, Tefe’. I have nothing against Swamp Thing, I’ve just never been exposed to it before. I’m much more of a Batman, Justice League, DC Comics type of gal. But I’ve always appreciated his style.

:a brief bio:

In the 1970’s Louisiana, Scientist, Alec Holland was working on a secret formula to transform deserts into forests. In his lab he is killed by a planted bomb in hopes of obtaining the formula. Holland is splashed with burning chemicals while he runs out of the lab and into the swamp water. Holland later turns into “a vegetable-like being, a ‘muck-encrusted mockery of a man'” and becomes Swamp Thing.

:some fun facts:

Swamp Thing has the power to control plant life, as well as, supernatural knowledge and super strength.

Swamp Thing made his first appearance in HOUSE OF SECRETS #92 (1971). Though in this issue he was Alex Olsen and he was vying for the affection of a woman named Linda.

Alec made his first appearance in Swamp Thing #1, about a year later in November 1972. Both were created by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson.

Justice League was one of my favorite cartoons growing up. In Season 2 of Justice League, Episode 23 called Comfort and Joy, “an alien bearing a striking resemblance to Swamp Thing makes a blink-and-you-missed-it appearance in the background during Hawkgirl and Green Lantern’s scene.

One of my favorite things about comics is the continuation of stories. How Dick Grayson’s Robin becomes NightwingClark (Superman) marries Lois, and
now I have Swamp Thing and Abby and their daughter to follow.

Thank you for Reading!

Click for more Swamp Thing!!

“He used to say that artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.”

The Biggest News of the Week…
Levanchy-Chen Family handsMy cousin, Linda’s twins arrived early and they are just so tiny and beautiful.
I can’t imagine how they’re going to juggle the responsibility of twins.
But knowing my cousin, I know she will be a strong, kind and wonderful mother.
And her husband will not just be a good father, but a great dad.
I am so happy and excited for the four of them.
what a wonderful adventure awaits them.

I tried to donate blood…don’t ask.
but we ended up having a great night amiss that little hiccup.


Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the King and Parliament
All up alive.
Threescore barrels, laid below,
To prove old England’s overthrow.
But, by God’s providence, him they catch,
With a dark lantern, lighting a match!
A stick and a stake
For King James’s sake!
If you won’t give me one,
I’ll take two,
The better for me,
And the worse for you.
A rope, a rope, to hang the Pope,
A penn’orth of cheese to choke him,
A pint of beer to wash it down,
And a jolly good fire to burn him.
Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the bells ring!
Holloa, boys! holloa boys! God save the King!
Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!
happy guy fawkes day
my new cousins were born!
luke-leiaAll Soul’s Day
A day in which we can remember our loved ones who have passed.
It’s a day the one’s who have been left behind can pray for their souls to enter into heaven.
I don’t know if I really believe this part, it does make sense that some souls are not perfect enough to get into heaven.
But that’s when I start to think that we just over think this and sometimes when it comes to our loved ones, one just needs to keep the faith and believe that they’re in Heaven.
Nov 2 All Souls Day 2015Stan and I watched a rather unsettling documentary this evening. I heard about it from an article on top 15 documentaries to watch. The article told me that it was best to go into it with knowing as little back story as possible. So, that’s what I did and I’ll be extending the same courtesy onto you. The documentary is entitled: Dear Zachary and it is a very well done and moving documentary. Let me just warn you that it can be difficult to watch and I suggest that you don’t view it alone.
Whether you’re interested or not, I urge you to take a visit to the website.

I’ve decided to take on the National Novel Writing Month Challenge.
I am only announcing this as another incentive and way to push myself to complete this challenge.
I’m a Pantser, which means I’m jumping in cold without an outline or lots of notes.
I just went with an idea that I’ve been thinking about for a long time and like most people, I’d like to hope, I need something pushing me to finish a project.
So, wish me luck 🙂 … I’m gonna need it!

Back up to Halloween

301015 Halloween

For our first official Halloween as a family, the three of us went as the DC Trinity.
wfm Trinity HalloweenSuperman HalloweenWonder Woman Halloween

WfM Batgirl Halloween

Though I would like to think of Annie as being Wonder Girl instead, if we’re being picky now 😛

submitted for your approval of the midnight society Halloween

Cheetah WW Halloween

all in all, it was a great Halloween

So, now if you’ll excuse me, I need to root-root-root for my home team.
This weekend is a rather intense Football Sunday for us…
Thank you so much for reading!

Here’s a little present Annie sent to Gracie.
a friendship necklace of sorts.
20151025_201003 (1)

in other news…
For you Archie fans out there, I found this article on CBR.
I’m a pretty big fan of Archie Comics, just as my mother was before me and my Grandmother before her. And for just about as long as I can remember, I’ve read that they’ve been trying to adapt the gang into a film. I, for one, am quite happy that they have not done so yet. I don’t know about you, but certain things just shouldn’t be adapted. Remember that show from the ’60s?

It’s not very fair of me to say that this was a bad show. I just didn’t agree with the voice actors who were chosen.
I never pictures Betty, Veronica or Archie sounding like that.

So, read over the article and let me know what you think.
Are you down for an Edgy Archie series?
This could be terrible but it could be also be pretty cool.
For example?
The Carrie Diaries, Hannibal and Gotham.
Just to name a few, these TV series were all “prequels” to some pretty iconic  characters.

CARHANBATat first I was not fans of any of these prequels, but once you think about them as their own property, they held up on their own.
The Carrie Diaries is a pretty cute show when you push out all the continuity errors.
So, although I don’t necessarily agree with a low self-esteem, Betty and emo Jughead…hey, it might be fun.
Also, if you like adaptations, definitely check out:

Also, just so we all stay healthy.

🙂 thank you 🙂