T : Talia al Ghul “Father has only truly respected one other man. The detective. The one known as the Batman.”

Day 24

Talia al Ghul

Daughter of supervillain Ra’s al Ghul
(His most famous of offspring).
Talia has been featured as both,
anti-hero and supervillain
in her own right.

Talia made her comic book debut in Detective Comics #411 (“Into the Den of the Death-Dealers!”) in May 1971. She was created by Denny O’Neil, Bob Brown and Dick Giordano. Funny enough, her father made his comic book debut in the June 1971 issue of Batman #232.

In the 1992 Graphic Novel, Birth of the Demon, Talia’s mother was revealed. Ra’s met a part-Chinese, part-Arab woman at Woodstock. The two fell in love and had Talia. Unfortunately, she later died from a drug overdose and Ra’s felt she was unworthy of revival in the Lazarus Pits. (This origin isn’t always followed since Talia has never really been portrayed as having Arab or Chinese descent.

Talia has occasionally been Batman’s love interest, which resulted in their child, Damian Wayne. (though personally, Catwoman is Batman’s true romantic interest!)

Like Batman, Talia has no superpowers, but she is a skilled assassin, successful businesswoman due to her high intellect and is excellent in hand to hand combat. And like her father she has the ability to extend her lifespan through the use of the Lazarus Pits.

Talia appeared in four episodes of Batman: The Animated Series. She makes a tragic reappearance in the third season of Batman Beyond, episode five, Out of the Past. A surprisingly young Talia visits the elderly Bruce Wayne offering him a dip in the Lazarus Pits. Later, it’s revealed that Talia had sacrificed her life for her father. It was Ra’s who has been occupying Talia’s body and he wanted to trick Bruce into giving up his body.

 The Dark Knight Rises

Thanks to Christopher Nolan creating characters for his Batman trilogy, like Rachel Dawes and John Blake–the big reveal of Marion Cotillard’s character being Talia al Ghul was a success. At least for me, I remember being angry while watching the film and Bane was revealed to be Ra’s al Ghul’s son. I was so frustrated, thinking to myself, “What are they doing!? Ra’s had a daughter not a son!” I was too wrapped up in the movie to see the twist right in front of my face!

Though there was a hint at her true identity during the charity ball scene. Miranda Tate says, “you must invest if you wish to restore balance to the world.”
In Batman Begins, Ra’s al Ghul says, “Only a cynical man would call what these people have ‘lives,’ Wayne. Crime, despair… this is not how man was supposed to live. The League of Shadows has been a check against human corruption for thousands of years. We sacked Rome, loaded trade ships with plague rats, burned London to the ground. Every time a civilization reaches the pinnacle of its decadence, we return to restore the balance.”

Another clue is that both Miranda and Bane have the same triangle scar. Bane has it on the side of his head and Miranda has it on her back. Hinting at her membership in the League of Shadows.

Thank you for Reading!

See you tomorrow!

H : Harley Quinn “Careful, Harley. You’ll kill him.”

Day 10

Harley Quinn

For probably one of the most popular Comic Book characters in existence,
Harley Quinn has only been around for the last 25 years.
hard to believe

I’m not one of those super hardcore Harley Quinn fans,
but I am a fan.

Which all stems from her tragic backstory.

I know some people prefer her new 52s backstory,
in which it was really her choice to turn evil,
but I prefer her original non suicide squad backstory.

Harley Quinn made her debut in a September 1992 episode of Batman: The Animated Series entitled, Joker’s Favor. But her origin wasn’t explored until the 1994 graphic novel, The Batman Adventures: Mad Love.

Known as Dr. Harleen Quinzel, she was the Joker’s Psychiatrist but it was he who was pulling the strings. Her heartstrings to be precise, and it wasn’t long before he had her head over heels in love with him. Personally, what draws me to Harley is how human she is. You know she’s smart and talented, she’s a Doctor and skilled Gymnast, after all. But even though there are millions of red flags she continues to go back to the Joker.

This is one of the many reasons Batman’s Rogue Gallery is the Best Rogue Gallery. Each one of them is multidimensional villain with layers beyond pure evilness. Even the Joker’s motives are consistent with her persona. He loves chaos and watching the world burn.

 Back to Harley,
I’m not a fan of her new 52 costumes where her goal seems to show as much skin as possible. I get that in comics it’s all about sex appeal, but I prefer Catwoman’s skin-tight leather suit or Poison Ivy’s bodice.

I like to think of her and Joker’s relationship to not be so sexually based as it is mental mind f***. Both parties are damaged and my interpretation of the Joker is that he is too busy causing chaos and destruction then actually allowing himself to feel pleasure.

One of my favorite plot lines for Harley came when she teamed up with Poison Ivy. It’s a real Girl Power duo. And I like how Ivy tries to help Harley, Including injecting Harley with a serum to give her strength, speed and immunity to certain poisons.

Harley Quinn came out of Joker’s ego.
In her first appearance, it was the Joker who was going to disguise himself as a female model, but writers considered this to be beneath the Joker and so Harley was born.

While in character, Jared Leto sent gifts to his costars on Suicide Squad.
He sent Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn) a live rat. Which she kept as a pet and named, “Rat-Rat”.

Remember the scene from the trailers, where Harley Quinn smashes the window and takes the purse? The shirt in the window is in Latin, “SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM” which means, “If you want peace, prepare for war.”

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Thank you for Reading!

See you Tomorrow

Drawlloween 22 : “Tomorrow is a Bat-urday!”


Bats or flying rats as some may call them get a bat wrap. People find them creepy and downright scary. They’re natural reservoir, which means a long-term host of a pathogen of an infectious disease. Disease such as, rabies, histoplasmosis, Henipavirus and possibly ebola virus.

Science aside, throughout history, Bats have played many roles: throughout European cultures Bats have often been associated with black magic and witchcraft. In Western cultures, Bats are often seen as a symbol of the night, including its foreboding nature. In some Native American tribes, Bats are seen as a trickster spirit.

Throughout literature, Bats have been used as symbols of the night for both good and bad, villains such as Dracula and Heroes like Batman.

Although it may seem like Bats are perceived as bad creatures throughout history; like Batman, not all Bats get a bad wrap. According to Chinese folklore, Bats are a symbol of longevity and happiness. They’re also seen as bringers of Luck, in similarly lucky in Poland and among the Kwakiutl and Arabs.

And, like Spiders, although seemingly creepy, Bats do a lot of good. Bats eat mosquitoes and in some cases moths, which Bat Conservation International claims save the global corn industry more than a million dollars a year.


You can go to your local hardware store, such as Home Depot or Lowe’s to pick up your own Bat House.

If you weren’t a fan, I hope you’ve softened just a bit to these furry critters.

I for one find Bats to be very cute…though I will admit I wouldn’t want to find myself face-to-face with one out in the wild.

Thank you for Reading!

and don’t forget,

Tomorrow is a Bat-urday!

interesting fact

Three U.S. states have an official state Bat. Texas and Oklahoma share a state Bat, the Mexican free-tailed bat; Virginia’s state Bat the Virginia big-eared bat.